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Meet Your Tour Managers

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A travel expert in every corner of the world.

We believe there’s one aspect of our tours that makes them truly special: the people. While that includes you, our customers, it also includes our incredible tour managers.

Our experienced guides will make your trip truly special. They will go above and beyond to ensure you feel well looked after, but also gently encourage you to always experience new things and discover new cultures. After all, that’s what travel is all about.

Our tour managers are seasoned professionals, some of whom have spent two to three decades working in the travel industry, perfecting their craft. Many of our tour managers are also based in the destinations we venture to, so they can offer rare and valuable insight that only locals would know. Whether that’s a secret risotto recipe, perfected over time, or finding a scenic shortcut to a hill-top fortress.

Tour managers are also an important reason why you should travel on an escorted tour, rather than independently. Our friendly tour managers are always around to arrange welcome gatherings, drinks, and meals so that you can get to know your fellow travellers and get settled right into the group and your new surroundings. Newmarket Holidays works with tour managers who have been immersing themselves in destinations and expanding their in-depth knowledge for years. So, rest assured that your tour manager will provide an unforgettable, informative holiday experience.

Curious travellers will also relish being able to ask tour managers any questions that might arise, whether it's about historical facts or local entertainment and dining recommendations. Best of all, our tour managers will ensure that you feel safe during your holiday. Our guides are travel experts. We seek out people who are extremely knowledgeable in local culture, etiquette, laws, rules, environment, and weather patterns - so you will always have an expert there for you.

At Newmarket Holidays, we are proud to work with a friendly and skilled network of tour managers around the world. We would love for you to meet some of them:




Jeff has been managing our Canada tours since 2002, including Canadian Rockies, Alaska Cruise and The Canadian Rockies, and Niagara Falls to the Rockies. He’s lucky enough to be based in Ottawa, the stunning Canadian capital.

He’s worked as a contract tour manager for various tour companies since 1993, maintaining a high level of service excellence score above 90%. His favourite thing about guiding travellers around the world is the look on a person's face when they witness a life-long dream location or sight, such as the Northern Lights, the reflections of Lake Louise during sunrise, or even the first sighting of a bear in the wild.

Jeff’s fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? US National Parks of Utah and Arizona, Europe, and Petra
  • Best travel advice? Always be ready to adapt to change
  • Item you never travel without? Camera!
  • Wildest travel story? Stuck for three days in a little village on the island of Crete because of a snowstorm




Bonface has been with us since late 2018, and has managed 16 tours. He expertly leads our Kenya safaris, including Kenya Grand Safari and Kenya Beach & Safari.

Born and raised on the slope of the second-highest mountain in Africa, Mt. Kenya, Bonface had a truly unique upbringing. He was schooled around the Kenyan countryside, meaning he had the opportunity to encounter 32 of the 47 registered tribes in the nation. He later relocated to the capital, Nairobi - where he is still based - to pursue higher education and expand his career. He studied tourism management and aviation before transitioning into managing tours and safari experiences in early 2017.

He considers himself an all-around travel connoisseur and loves welcoming customers as soon as they land at the airport.

Bonface's fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? Kenya, Italy and the UK (I want to visit the Isle Of Man and see the Great Laxey Wheel, someday)
  • Best travel advice? 2019 was a great year, just before the first COVID case. While on tour in Maasai Mara, one customer pulled me aside and whispered: “Boni Boni, with such a beautiful country full of wonderful people and cultures, your hospitality is what is left to fill the gap.” That statement blew a fresh breath of life into my career. I have a motto: I do not wake up, pack up my bags and go on tour/safari, I wake up and go to do what I love
  • Item you never travel without? My safari diary. In this, I write guests’ recommendations and requests (perhaps they want to purchase camera batteries or visit a pharmacy along the way). This means I’m always ready to perform any act of kindness that will make the guests feel welcomed, appreciated, and comfortable
  • Wildest travel story? While on tour in Lake Nakuru National Park, three giraffes came close to the Jeep. They were very curious, and as we were taking photos, one put its head inside the vehicle through the open roof! It was majestic and without hurry. It took a pack of crisps one guest was eating, threw them on the ground, and slowly walked away. This has never happened before nor is it something imaginable given that the giraffes are one shy and gentle mammal




Simone has been working with Newmarket Holidays since 2013, a year that marked the beginning of her career as a tour manager. She is now based in Knoxville, Tennessee and Merida, Mexico.

Simone has operated most of our United States and Canada tours, including our Elvis Presley's Memphis, New Orleans & Nashville holiday. Before becoming a tour manager, she worked as an actress, a small business owner, and a travel and roadshow coordinator for a Wall Street firm.

Simone’s fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? Mexico, France, Morocco and Australia
  • Best travel advice? My best travel advice is to get off the beaten path and go explore every little nook and cranny that you possibly can! I've met SO many wonderful people and have had amazing unexpected experiences by just wandering around, poking my head (and nose!) into different places
  • Item you never travel without? I never travel without a good read and my crossword puzzle book. It relaxes me on the plane and keeps my mind alert and agile
  • Wildest travel story? 




Southampton-based Julie has seen a lot of the world in her three decades as a tour manager and coach driver. During her 15 years with us, she’s led tours through California, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Texas, New Orleans, and New England. She’s also led our much-loved Andre Rieu concert tours in Maastricht.

Some of her most unforgettable moments on the job include spotting the changing autumn colours on New England’s fall trail and hearing the beautiful winds on the edge of the Grand Canyon.

Julie’s fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? Austria, Rhine river, and Southern USA
  • Best travel advice? Go see for yourself…
  • Item you never travel without? Kettle. Zip ties. Duct tape
  • Wildest travel story? Trying to herd cows back into a field to get a coach down a narrow lane




Carol has been working as a tour manager for an impressive three decades, having also spent time as a cruise director all around the world. She joined us in 2020. Carol manages our Scenic North Wales and Chester tour, as well as our Liverpool Beatles and Merseyside tour in its first year of operation. She lives in Cheshire, right by Manchester Airport.

Carol’s fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? Ecuador and the Galapagos, Indochina, and North America
  • Best travel advice? Travel light. Purchase a good, sturdy, lightweight suitcase, and pack a capsule wardrobe. Only one handbag and some comfortable shoes
  • Item you never travel without? Mini-sized moisture cream, toothpaste, and deodorant
  • Wildest travel story? The craziest thing that happened on tour happened during 9/11. My 55 Scottish passengers and I were stuck in San Francisco. There were no flights out for 10 days. When the skies finally re-opened, there were no seats available on any flight to the UK. I was told by the airline that they could not get us on a flight for another month. I soon realised that this was because I was looking for 55 seats. I decided to split us into smaller groups and to accompany them on a streetcar, down to the airline's office in the centre of San Francisco. There we had to join a long queue to obtain any available seats. Over a period of three days, I managed to get them all booked on flights leaving the following week and had to sort out accommodation for that period. It was quite stressful for everyone involved and a situation that was totally unexpected.




With an advanced diploma in travel and tourism, Carmel has enjoyed 27 successful years in the travel industry. Carmel has been working as a tour manager with Newmarket Holidays for seven years.

While she’s based in Surbiton, she hails from County Mayo, Ireland, and still has three brothers still living there. So it’s safe to say she considers herself to be "Irish through and through", or as she prefers to explain it: "You can take the girl out of the bog but you will never get the bog out of the girl.” Well said, Carmel.

It won’t surprise you that Carmel has managed many of our Ireland tours, including Galway, Connemara & Ireland's Stunning West and Dublin and Ireland's Ancient East. She has also led some of our special event tours including Andre Rieu, Wimbledon, and Lapland day trips.

Carmel’s fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? Ireland (of course) both north and south, Canada’s Rocky Mountains, and Costa Rica
  • Best travel advice? On my very first trip as a tour manager, a wise coach driver advised me to take it one day at a time. At the welcome meeting/start of the tour, I give our travellers a very broad outline of the entire tour but explain that I will give a more in-depth rundown of the next day's activities at the end of the day. I have found this works really well. From a practical point of view, always wear comfortable shoes!
  • Item you never travel without? For Ireland, an umbrella. For everywhere else in the world? TEA BAGS
  • Wildest travel story? I had to share my balcony picnic with a racoon in Costa Rica. In this incredible country, I also got trapped inside a shop because a giant green iguana decided to lay across the doorway blocking my exit. This animal was more than six feet long, but it was quite harmless. Eventually, it was shooed away by the locals.




Anthony is based in Croydon and has been working with us for a decade. After a vast career working in hospitality, from being hospitality manager in several city centre, airport and resort hotels, to lecturing in hospitality and tourism, he made the switch to becoming a tour manager in 2011.

He is proud to manage Newmarket Holidays’ tours because of the high-quality accommodation and the careful planning that goes into each trip. And with his extensive background in hospitality, Anthony knows what he’s talking about! Since he started with Newmarket Holidays in 2012, he has led countless tours with us, including holidays to North Wales and Paris. He is also an expert in leading our special events tours, including Andre Rieu in Vienna, Amsterdam and Maastricht, and Lapland with Santa. In fact, these are his favourites.

Anthony’s fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? Canada, South America, and Australia
  • Best travel advice? Always ensure you are fully insured and research the area you will be visiting to make the most of your time
  • Item you never travel without? My alarm clock and Kindle
  • Wildest travel story? On a trip to North Wales, the room I was allocated was on the top floor of the hotel. The hotel was on the seafront and the wind was whistling all night. It even raised the ceiling up and down!




Oscar has been managing our Costa Rica tours for four delightful years. He’s based in San José - the capital of Costa Rica - and over the years has worked in a number of fascinating roles, including as a computer programmer, commercial driver, and naturalist tour guide.

Oscar’s fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? Switzerland, Hawaii, and Australia
  • Best travel advice? Respect the people and nature, we are just visitors in this world
  • Item you never travel without? Mobile phone!
  • Wildest travel story? Left my passport three hours from the airport the evening before heading back home




Vikram has been working in the tourism industry since 1999, operating mainly in Delhi, Agra, and Ranthambore National Park. Based in Udaipur, the city of Lakes, he is an avid lover of history and culture. His favorite thing about travel is being able to introduce people to the unseen side of the Indian customs and culture, while also introducing them to the natural beauty of Indian jungles.

Vikram’s fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? Wildlife parks, Agra, and natural monuments
  • Best travel advice? Always be ready for the unexpected - it's best to be prepared!
  • Item you never travel without? First-aid kit, multi-tool, and an itinerary
  • Wildest travel story? The craziest things that I have experienced would be, seeing a tiger right behind the jeep on one of my trips to Ranthambore National Park while we searched everywhere around to spot it. It got so close, I could smell it. We got some great pictures!



Andrea, who is based in Atlanta, Georgia, has been guiding tours with Newmarket Holidays since 2018. After 23 years working in corporate America, she made the transition to becoming a travel agent in 2009 because she loves to travel, she appreciates history, and oh yes, talking is her speciality! In 2017, she graduated from the International Guide Association.

Andrea’s fast four

  • Favourite travel destinations? Italy, Greece, Colorado (my home state!)
  • Best travel advice? Travel is the gift that keeps on giving!
  • Item you never travel without?  My phone. 
  • Wildest travel story? A three-week road trip in the USA turned into a two-month adventure.

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